GG studio

Gosia Gajewska Studio
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Avant Provocateur fashion collection

The subject of my PhD thesis is „AVANT PROVOCATEUR – fashion as aesthetic rebellion „. In 2012 as a result of my study, research, creative thoughts and experience my PhD project started taking shape. In Avant Provocateur fashion collection I am trying to blur the harmful boundary between people with and without disability. The collection consist of eight corrective garments intended for all women. I would like my clothes to be the medium through which non-disabled people will explore the world of people with disabilities and get used to it. I belive, that main role of the role of the clothing is not to beautify the body of a person but support its physical condition and health, make the body feel comfortable. This way the art of fashion would make a lot of sense. Therfore, my entire collection has a sporty character. Clothes are mainly made of medical and healthy materials. I used healthy wool fabric, lycra, breathable fabric with silver ions, beneficial health mustard seeds for filling and splinting thermoplastics. In 2013, I organized a photo session of the collection at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. I used the set design created for the exhibition „Square in […]
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Avant Provocateur Artbook – PhD project

The subject of my PhD thesis is „AVANT PROVOCATEUR – fashion as aesthetic rebellion „. In 2012 as a result of my study, research, creative thoughts and experience my PhD project started taking shape. Artbook Avant Provocateur is part of the PhD project. The catalog is hand-sewn and bound, made in a limited edition of 5 pieces. The cover features a thermoplastic plate from which orthopedic braces are made. The tab is made of black cotton tape sewn with a zigzag stitch. The motif of this stitch scrolls throughout the catalog as an element of the graphic layout. Its purpose is to provide knowledge about orthopedic disorders related to the osteoarticular system in artistic form. The catalog was shown at the exhibition at the Apteka Sztuki Gallery in Warsaw, 2015. Offset paper 190g / 23 x 31 cm / 120 pages    
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Avant Provocateur Visual identification – PhD project

The subject of my PhD thesis is „AVANT PROVOCATEUR – fashion as aesthetic rebellion „. In 2012 as a result of my study, research, creative thoughts and experience my PhD project started taking shape. Visual identification of the Avant Provocateur fashion collection is part of the PhD project. Business cards 90 x 50 mm, A4 folder folded to DL 163 x 112 cm posters.
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PhD degree

In 2015, I completed PhD degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. The subject of my PhD thesis is „AVANT PROVOCATEUR – fashion as aesthetic rebellion „.
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Christmas trees

Christmas card for Advertising Department of Bauer Publishing House. Card designed and printed in 15×15 cm format. Each advertising client of the Bauer Publishing House received them. project made at the Bauer Publishing House / implementation and implementation 2019 concept / art direction / graphic design: Gosia Gajewska
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Strategic Presentation

Strategic Presentation „Strong Magazines in the world of media”for Bauer Publishing House. The presentation was shown at the National Museum in Warsaw, 13.01.2020.
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The Mermaid of Warsaw – sign designed in 2015 for the needs of a Warsaw-themed festival.  
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Mural We also fought

In 2006 my friend Olga Matuszewska and I, we formed the art-feministic duo under the name (SGMA) „ŚCIĘTA GŁOWA MARII ANTONINY”(Beheaded Head of Marie Antoinette). Our activities included graphic multimedia projects, installations, comics, posters and murals. All our projects where focused on issues from cultural outskirts. All were addressing embarrassment, alienation, the compulsory hiding the sense of failure or stigmatisation others. Our group reminded active until year 2009 and it is best known for the mural at the Warsaw Uprising Museum titled „WE FOUGHT TOO!”. It is about women involvement in the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. Mural We also fought in The Warsaw Uprising Museum, 2007.  
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Designs of costumes

Designs of costumes for the Avant Provocateur collection.
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Collages are part of the Avant Provocateur project – fashion as an aesthetic rebellion, 21×29,7 cm.
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Scholarship of the Minister of Culture

Scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the Young Poland program, 2012. Visual Arts category, Avant Provocateur project – fashion as an aesthetic rebellion.
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Gosia Cats

Gosia Cat poster, 70 x 100 cm, 2003.
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Manifesto – ideological design is responsible for a better life for everyone. In 2010 I had an exhibition at the Department of Stage Design at the Academy. I showed two installations. One, called „ACCESS” – pointing out the lack of infrastructure adapted for people with disability on campus at the Warsaw Academy. Two reflective strips were glued to the stairs to match the spacing of the wheels of the wheelchair. Second installation was „MANIFESTO” – my ideological manifesto presented on the mirror aiming to awake a reflection on the subject in the viewers minds. The exhibition heralded the „AVANT PROVACATEUR” project. In 2011 I added Fashion Design to my area of expertise. To acquire additional skills required I completed Sewing and Clothing Modelling course. Thanks to this I could make all my garments for „AVANT PROVOCATEUR” myself.    
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Sydney Art

Sydney Art – poster for author’s lecture at the Department of Stage Design, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, 2012.
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Abstract Reptails

Acrylic ink & watercolor on paper, 20 x 30 cm, 2018
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