Avant Provocateur Artbook – PhD project

The subject of my PhD thesis is „AVANT PROVOCATEUR – fashion as aesthetic rebellion „. In 2012 as a result of my study, research, creative thoughts and experience my PhD project started taking shape. Artbook Avant Provocateur is part of the PhD project. The catalog is hand-sewn and bound, made in a limited edition of 5 pieces. The cover features a thermoplastic plate from which orthopedic braces are made. The tab is made of black cotton tape sewn with a zigzag stitch. The motif of this stitch scrolls throughout the catalog as an element of the graphic layout. Its purpose is to provide knowledge about orthopedic disorders related to the osteoarticular system in artistic form. The catalog was shown at the exhibition at the Apteka Sztuki Gallery in Warsaw, 2015. Offset paper 190g / 23 x 31 cm / 120 pages    
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Avant Provocateur Visual identification – PhD project

The subject of my PhD thesis is „AVANT PROVOCATEUR – fashion as aesthetic rebellion „. In 2012 as a result of my study, research, creative thoughts and experience my PhD project started taking shape. Visual identification of the Avant Provocateur fashion collection is part of the PhD project. Business cards 90 x 50 mm, A4 folder folded to DL 163 x 112 cm posters.
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Christmas trees

Christmas card for Advertising Department of Bauer Publishing House. Card designed and printed in 15×15 cm format. Each advertising client of the Bauer Publishing House received them. project made at the Bauer Publishing House / implementation and implementation 2019 concept / art direction / graphic design: Gosia Gajewska
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Snowflake, Christmas card for Advertising Department of Bauer Publishing House. Card designed and printed in 15×15 cm format. Each advertising client of the Bauer Publishing House received them. project made at the Bauer Publishing House / implementation and implementation 2019 concept / art direction / graphic design: Gosia Gajewska
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Easter egg

Easter card for Advertising Department of Bauer Publishing House. Card designed and printed in 15×15 cm format. Each advertising client of the Bauer Publishing House received them. project made at the Bauer Publishing House / implementation and implementation 2019 concept / art direction / graphic design: Gosia Gajewska
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The Mermaid of Warsaw – sign designed in 2015 for the needs of a Warsaw-themed festival.  
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advertorials Perfume / Fragrances

Advertorials designed for Bauer Publishing House for magazines such as Twój Styl, Grazia, Pani, Show. Perfume / Fragrances
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fashion show

Leaflet for a fashion show that took place in the park above Balaton in Warsaw, 2013.
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Where the fuck is Queen?

Where the fuck is Queen? The palace’s poster was on the curtains during Dody’s concerts. Doda, is a Polish musical artist.
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Filmschool etudes

The light side of the cinema  / 2007 Film Jokes  / 2008 Promotional materials for the screening of student etudes for Cinema City Poland and The Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre in Łódź. Key visual, posters and leaflet for the screening of student etudes. B1 poster format, A6 leaflets. client: PWSTViT and Cinema City Manufaktura project made in Advarsztat Group / realization and implementation 2007 and 2008 art direction / graphic design: Gosia Gajewska
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Manifesto – ideological design is responsible for a better life for everyone. In 2010 I had an exhibition at the Department of Stage Design at the Academy. I showed two installations. One, called „ACCESS” – pointing out the lack of infrastructure adapted for people with disability on campus at the Warsaw Academy. Two reflective strips were glued to the stairs to match the spacing of the wheels of the wheelchair. Second installation was „MANIFESTO” – my ideological manifesto presented on the mirror aiming to awake a reflection on the subject in the viewers minds. The exhibition heralded the „AVANT PROVACATEUR” project. In 2011 I added Fashion Design to my area of expertise. To acquire additional skills required I completed Sewing and Clothing Modelling course. Thanks to this I could make all my garments for „AVANT PROVOCATEUR” myself.    
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Sydney Art

Sydney Art – poster for author’s lecture at the Department of Stage Design, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, 2012.
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Buttons, signs designed in 2015 for the needs of a Warsaw-themed festival.
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Folder, certyfikaty i plansze wystawowe dla i Orange IMAX

An educational booklet and A4 certificates for teachers on astronomy on the occasion of the premiere of the Hubble 3D movie. Format A4. Astronomy boards for the Our Heaven exhibition accompanying the premiere of Hubble 3D. Format B1. project made in Gosia Gajewska Studio / realization and implementation 2010 concept / art direction / graphic design / production: Gosia Gajewska
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